Madness is still trudging along at a grand total of 7 scenes so far. No idea how many frames though. I'll be able to work significantly faster and more efficiently after I take my 4th and last SAT test this weekend. Jeez that's a total of about 24 hours of testing uggghh. So I'll be getting a graphics card which will vastly improve my computer's overall performance, and maybe I'll get a writing tablet so I can make more Frame by Frame projects later on.
Anyways I AM having a lot of fun making this madness movie, because I get to goof off with random powers and abilities without having too many technical difficulties. So I have a question for you guys what color would contrast greatly with a cyan blue (or whatever you think the color is in the below link), I was thinking orange - of whatever shade - however I have not ultimately decided.
I spent over an hour yesterday studying and drawing explosions, to see how to improve my own effects. So the explosion you see above is the result of my studies. ...still have a while till I can draw them casually without so much thinking effort. D:<
End Update POST :D